Rosy Thornton is a talented author of Women's Fiction. Have a chance to win her third novel, Crossed Wires, which has just come out in paperback, by posting a comment! The winner shall be drawn from a hat and announced this coming Friday, 1st May. (Sorry, Strictly Writers are not eligible!)
Who is your literary hero?
Harriet Vane from Dorothy L Sayers’s Lord Peter Wimsey novels.
Which 3 writers, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?
Elizabeth Gaskell, Simone de Beauvoir and Maya Angelou – three women who’d really set the world to rights.
What's your favourite writing snack?
I have a fetish for dried mango at the moment – texture like shoe leather but tastes like heaven.
Longhand first or computer?
Computer – but I do jot things down on old shopping receipts sometimes, when waiting at red traffic lights.
Win Booker prize or land Hollywood film deal?
Both, please!
Daily Mail or The Times?
Neither. Not really a tabloid girl, and I won’t buy a Murdoch newspaper!
Independent bookshop or Amazon?
Huge guilt trip, this question. I know what the answer ought to be, but Amazon is so easy.
Left on a cliffhanger or told all?
Cliffhanger – or at least a nice, muddy ending.
You really must read…
Anything by Barbara Trapido.
My biggest tip for a fiction writer is…
Don’t be too hidebound by ‘the rules’ – relax and find your own voice.
I am inspired by...
People and their endlessly entertaining foibles.
Writing - a hobby, passion or unhealthy obsession?
A bit of all three.
My proudest writing moment so far has been...
Being compared to Barbara Pym.
My family thinks my writing is...
A bit annoying, because they’d rather I were playing Cluedo.
The worst thing about writing is...
There never being enough time to do it!
Harriet Vane from Dorothy L Sayers’s Lord Peter Wimsey novels.
Which 3 writers, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?
Elizabeth Gaskell, Simone de Beauvoir and Maya Angelou – three women who’d really set the world to rights.
What's your favourite writing snack?
I have a fetish for dried mango at the moment – texture like shoe leather but tastes like heaven.
Longhand first or computer?
Computer – but I do jot things down on old shopping receipts sometimes, when waiting at red traffic lights.
Win Booker prize or land Hollywood film deal?
Both, please!
Daily Mail or The Times?
Neither. Not really a tabloid girl, and I won’t buy a Murdoch newspaper!
Independent bookshop or Amazon?
Huge guilt trip, this question. I know what the answer ought to be, but Amazon is so easy.
Left on a cliffhanger or told all?
Cliffhanger – or at least a nice, muddy ending.
You really must read…
Anything by Barbara Trapido.
My biggest tip for a fiction writer is…
Don’t be too hidebound by ‘the rules’ – relax and find your own voice.
I am inspired by...
People and their endlessly entertaining foibles.
Writing - a hobby, passion or unhealthy obsession?
A bit of all three.
My proudest writing moment so far has been...
Being compared to Barbara Pym.
My family thinks my writing is...
A bit annoying, because they’d rather I were playing Cluedo.
The worst thing about writing is...
There never being enough time to do it!
Great answers, Rosy. Still don't get the mango thing:)
Ah, but you're much sassier than Pym! Please could I enter the competition?
Ooooh, it's not FAIR. I want to be eligible for the competition...
Great answers, Rosy.
Ahh! Cluedo.
Professor Plum with the revolver in the Dining Room.
Good times.
p.s. Count me in for the competition please!
Love the dried fruit - sweet as chocolate and good for what ails ya :-) And can I enter the competition too please?
Katy x
Great answers, Rosy. I'm only entering the competition once this time, to keep Sam off my back. The one for Caro's book was clearly a stitch-up but I can't wait to win yours. It'll look lovely in the Rosy Thornton wing of my library.
Great answers, Rosy. I'm with you on the Amazon guilt trip! Can this please count as my comp entry? :)
Oops, sorry Rod, i should have mentioned that Strictly Writers aren't eligible - better go and add that!
Nice comment about 'the rules'. Useful to have an idea what they are, but they can suffocate how you write and we don't all want to be the same, do we?
Me, me me, give it to me now! Does that count as a comp entry? Begging, so very unsophisticated of me....
Begging's good:)
Great answers, Rosy. Mmm, I'm struggling with the mango - I suppose if they're dried though, then your hands don't get all sticky!
Fascinating answers Rosy ...Cluedo? Eek? Who wins?
I loved Crossed Wires btw.
I don;t want to enter anyway, so there....but only because I have already bought and read Rosy's wonderful book! Er, got it from Amazon.
I do think that dried mango is the work of the devil though...
Agree about Barbara Trapido -- why isn't she better known?
Barbara Pym!!! Woo-hoo!
Good answers and I'm looking forward to reading Crossed Wires :o)
As soon as I sit down at the computer my family start drifting in wanting me to Do Things. The guilt, the guilt ...
Great answers - I sympathise with the independent vs Amazon guilt!
Liked your answers but once I got to the Amazon question I also knew you were being honest! I should very much like to enter the competition please. I have always wanted to be Miss Scarlet in the drawing room, reading a new novel by someone I haven't read before.
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