Our very own Caroline Rance's debut novel, "Kill-Grief" has just been published and we have a signed copy to give away to one lucky reader who comments on this post, below. The winner will be drawn from a hat and their name will be posted up on Sunday. (Sorry, Strictly Writers are not eligible!)
Check out Caroline's website, http://www.carolinerance.co.uk/ and her blogs, Writing and all that and The Quack Doctor
Who is your literary hero?
Emily Brontë
Emily Brontë
Which 3 writers, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?
Dorothy Parker, Bill Bryson and Garrison Keillor
Dorothy Parker, Bill Bryson and Garrison Keillor
What's your favourite writing snack?
Salted peanuts, or cheese and onion crisps. Or Lindor chocolates. Or anything edible, really.
Salted peanuts, or cheese and onion crisps. Or Lindor chocolates. Or anything edible, really.
Win Booker prize or land Hollywood film deal?
Film deal.
Film deal.
Longhand first or computer?
Computer, because I like to put a password on things that aren't ready to show to anyone. this obsession comes from traumatic memories of people reading my teenage diaries.
Daily Mail or The Times?
The Times, unless for some reason I felt like getting extremely annoyed, in which case the Mail.
The Times, unless for some reason I felt like getting extremely annoyed, in which case the Mail.
Independent bookshop or Amazon?
Anyone who sells my book has my undying gratitude!
Anyone who sells my book has my undying gratitude!
Left on a cliffhanger or told all?
Somewhere in between – an ending that resolves the plot but hints that the characters will face more challenges in the future.
Somewhere in between – an ending that resolves the plot but hints that the characters will face more challenges in the future.
You really must read…
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn. Unless you're squeamish, in which case it might not be for you.
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn. Unless you're squeamish, in which case it might not be for you.
My biggest tip for a historical fiction writer is…
Research what you need to know for the story, rather than using the story to show off your research.
Research what you need to know for the story, rather than using the story to show off your research.
I am inspired by...
Old newspapers, paintings and photographs.
Old newspapers, paintings and photographs.
Writing - a hobby, passion or unhealthy obsession?
A passion, I think. No, maybe it's an obsession.
A passion, I think. No, maybe it's an obsession.
My proudest writing moment so far has been...
Finishing the first draft of my first novel.
Finishing the first draft of my first novel.
My family thinks my writing is...Something that should make millions, whilst taking up no time! They are really proud of me, though.
The worst thing about writing is...
Backache from using a laptop with my feet up. Completely my own fault, but it doesn't half hurt!
Backache from using a laptop with my feet up. Completely my own fault, but it doesn't half hurt!
Lovely idea! (The prize draw). Please count me in - I'd love to win a copy of your book Caroline!
I'm really pleased for you Caroline. It's such a big deal to finish a book and much harder work than it looks to achieve finishing writing a book and then getting it published. I hope it sells millions.
Julie xx
Well done, Caroline! May you have many, many sales!
Please count me in for the draw. Congratulations to you Caroline!
Congratulations on the book!
"Backache from using a laptop with my feet up."
Gaa! Me too!
Many congrats, Caroline :)
Superb Caroline - and writing is surely a hobby, passion AND unhealthy obsession
Great interview! And huge congratulations on the release of your book.
Now that is really impressive, Caro - that finishing your first draft was more satisfying than getting published. I like. :)
And congratulations again!
Yes, i remember feeling very proud on finishing my first ever draft.
Great answers!
This was great. Thanks Caroline!
I can't wait to buy a copy of your book.
And I just finished the first draft of my first novel and I smiled when I read your answer to the question on your proudest writing moment thus far. Never before have I been moved to tears by 296 white printed pages ;)
Congratulations Caroline, I am so pleased for you. And I'd love Bill Bryson to be my dinner guest too :-)
Katy x
Pah. You'll notice she didn't include any of us in her list of ideal dinnerparty guests.
Nevertheless I wouldn't object to winning a copy of her book...!
Congratulations on your publication, and I would suggest that you put your feet up and enjoyed yourself for a while, but it seems you're there before me!
Congratulations on the publication! I hope that film deal is forthcoming soon.
Comforting to see that your family are just like mine!
I love that quote about your family's attitude, Caro! Many congrats on the book.
Nice interview Caroline and congratulations.
I would have said that anyway but of course this is a shameless comment to give me a chance of winning the book.
Would it add to my chances of winning if I said I'd cleared my bookshelves completely and trashed all my other books just to await yours?
Thought not ...
Wow, what a lovely lot of comments - thank you all!
Finishing the first ever first draft was such a significant moment - a turning point for me really, after I'd spent years starting and discarding countless novels. Actually, I might blog about something to do with that next week!
Great interview. I'd love to win your book so count me in too please, but I'm going to buy it anyway. What a title.
Funny how we all have our own 'special moment' that is the most significant. For me, it was receiving the e-mail from my editor accepting my first book. That feeling of amazement and excitement was just overwhelming - I cried! Nothing's ever going to feel quite that special again! (Unless, of course, I win a huge prize one day and become mega-famous ...yeah, right!!). Hang onto your own special memory, Caroline: it's priceless.
Morally, this prize belongs to me as I promised Caro on Tuesday that I'd read her book soonest and if I don't win it I won't be able to fulfil that promise due to a temporary moratorium on book buying.
If I comment twice do I get entered in the draw twice?
There was nothing in the terms and conditions above to say that I couldn't.
Congrats again Caroline! I received my copy yesterday and I was amazed at how beautifully dinky it is! The pages are whiter than most books out there :)
Yes, I love cheese and onion crips too. I could easily eat two multipacks in one go :)
Rod, my delete key is poised.
Sam, how about if I enter again under an assumed name? Wouldn't it be easier just to put the book in the post now?
Rod, don't try and psyche me out. Us Blogmistresses have unknown powers:)
I'm laughing my socks off at this exchange! priceless!
Hilarious! Can I be entered in the draw, even though I am known to the Administrator? And the author?
Sam, I know about your special powers. What if I get my girlfriend to enter on my behalf, with a different computer and different URL?
No, Geraldine!
LOL - Ooh, the mysterious Miss Slanty Eyes has come to check out us ladeeez;)
Rod. Please. Put your inner toddler back where it belongs.
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