Can the imperfect family really have the perfect Christmas?

Her son Tom is out of work
and bringing home a slew of unsuitable partners; pregnant daughter Chloe
and her little boy have moved back in; Juliet’s father, Frank, is
getting over a heartbreak of his own and Rita, her eccentric mother, is
behaving more erratically each day. And has the chaos got too much for
Juliet’s husband Rick?
With the big day fast
approaching, Juliet hopes that she can stop everything spiralling out of
control, because the only thing she wants is her family all around her
and her home to be filled…
Born in St Helens, Merseyside, Carole began writing after she entered a short story competition in Writing Magazine and won a thousand pounds. Then – to her and everyone else’s amazement – she spent the money, not on shoes and handbags, but on a writing course. The tutor on the course liked what she was writing and recommended an agent who took her on straight away. She got her first book deal, for Let’s Meet on Platform 8, a week later.
Thanks for joining us, Carole. Here's a nice little starter (pun intended):
Which 3 writers, living or dead, would you invite to dinner?
Shakespeare. There are so many questions I’d love to ask him. Like ‘Did you
know you’d put so many school kids through so much pain?’
Gregory as I adore her books so much and I’d love to find out more about those
pesky Tudors.
Bryson as I’m sure he’d have some interesting travel stories to tell.
Favourite writing snack?
Longhand or computer?
computer. I am a trained touch typist due to former life as a secretary and can
just about keep up with my brain.
The best thing about being published is...
can behave very badly and call it research.
The book I’d wish I’d written…
Day by David Nicholls.
Win Booker prize or land Hollywood film deal?
How shallow am I?
An author should never...
anything for granted. I’m only doing this job because I have fantastic loyal
readers who will spend their hard-earned cash on my books.
Daily Mail or The Times?
Mail. The most amazing source of stories for a women’s fiction writer!
Independent bookshop or Amazon?
hate to say this, but Amazon all the way. Click, click, click. And I adore my
You really must read...
of the Tudor books by Philippa Gregory. She just makes the whole Tudor court
come to life. Love them!
I really can’t stand…
to wear fingerless gloves in the winter to type as my fingers get so cold.
Left on a cliffhanger or told all?
My biggest tip for a Women's Fiction writer is…
what comes from your heart rather than chasing the market.
What comes first – character or plot?
Bit of both. No point having a great character with a wet plot and vice versa.
My journey to publication was...
short. Got my first deal 17 years ago at the start of the whole chicklit wave.
Thank you, Bridget Jones!
Desert Island companion?
love of my life, Lovely Kev. He’d kill all the creepy crawlies and could make
fire and catch fish.
Carole's website can be found here: http://www.carolematthews.com
THANK YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule and visiting Strictly Writing, we wish you every success with your latest book and, of course, a very Merry Christmas, Carole!
Thanks for stopping by! Great interview (the behaving badly and calling it research struck a chord!)
Great questions and answers! Thanks, Strictly and Carole.
Thank you for having me, Debs!
Lovely interview, Carole and Debs.
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