Take it away, Milo James...
1 What was your journey to publication?
Back in 2009, I'd written a
couple novels and queried them with agents, but there were no takers. I figured
it might be a good idea to accumulate a few publication credits and maybe
qualify for SFWA membership before I sent out any more queries. Then back in
2011, I started the Write1Sub1 challenge to write and submit 52 short stories
in 52 weeks. A year later, after a few of my Captain Bartholomew Quasar stories
had been published, I was approached by Every Day Publishing regarding the
possibility of a serialized Captain Quasar novel.
Fast-forward to 2015: more
than 100 of my short stories have been published, appearing in AE Science Fiction, Cosmos, Nature, Shimmer, and the Wastelands 2 anthology. It's been an arduous journey at times with
many stories surviving more than a dozen rejections prior to publication, but
it's been well worth the effort. Seeing my first novel—Captain Bartholomew Quasar and the Space-Time Displacement Conundrum—greet
the masses this month has been incredibly rewarding.
2 What appeals to you about sci-fi as a genre?
I like being taken to worlds
I've never been, but I also enjoy cautionary tales about where our world may be
3 Do you feel sci-fi is marginalised?
Not in my corner of the
universe; it's all I read and mostly all I watch. But I usually realize I'm the
exception whenever I find myself in conversations with friends and coworkers.
Apparently, no one reads anymore unless it's a book on the airport bestseller
rack, and all they watch is reality TV.
4 Which authors have inspired you?
Ray Bradbury, first and
foremost. His poetic prose is unmatched, and he inspired my Write1Sub1
challenge. I also enjoy Alastair Reynolds' body of work, as well as China
Mieville's and Margaret Atwood's. I'm slowly making my way through everything
they've written.
5 What is your writing process?
I used to be more of a
pantser, making everything up as I went along and often writing myself into dark,
frustrating corners. But now in my old age (pushing 40), I've become more of a
plotter. I'll sketch out an outline of major plot points ahead of time so I
know where the story's going; then it's just a matter of connecting the dots
during the drafting phase. That first draft is my sloppy copy; I vomit out the words
and clean them up later. After half a dozen revisions, I present my work to my
wife/partner-in-crime who lets me know how I can tighten it up. After another
round of edits, it's off on the submission circuit where it will remain until
it's accepted for publication. Or until the world ends. Whichever happens
6 Where can we find out more about your work?
Right here: www.milojamesfowler.com
Snag an agent. Sell a few
thousand copies of my novel. Sign a movie deal. Nothing major. Oh, and keep
writing, of course. I'm enjoying myself too much to do anything else.
Find out
more about Milo's new novel: Captain
Bartholomew Quasar