There it was, the million watt moment. I DON’T WANT TO SEE THE MESS EITHER! Doh! This may in fact play a large part in why I’ve been struggling with my inner creative side. My inner slob has won the battle. So, I’m going to be brave and post a before picture, completely untouched. Here is my writing space. Yes, that is scaffolding outside. That black file on the right – the house build file... The papers on the bed, er, general filing. A mannequin head in a box - my daughter's. Papers on the left, eh, stuff to do.
Time for a tidy up and time to practise what I’ve always preached to my daughters - ‘Tidy space, tidy mind!’ And who knows, maybe my writing muse, who has been a.w.o.l will come calling...
What Susie says about her ‘writing space’ :
“ I'm living in a rented flat. I write at a breakfast bar in the kitchen - very cold through the winter as no central heating, so sit with a hot water bottle in my lap. And the gentle throb of the fridge freezer at my side...but so handy for writerly snacks...”
What Gillian says:
(Note to Gill - It's ALMOST as busy as mine!)
Caroline G:
"I have just put up some very pleasing fairy lights around the notice board above the desk in my study. In theory, I have quite a good dedicated space in which to write. But in practice, I have to take myself off to the British Library when I need to get some serious wordage under my belt!"
And Helen:
"In theory I have a whole room designated for writing. It's built onto the back of the house with fabulous views across open fields. However, I'm just as likely to be found on my lap top in the dining room, working amongst the piles of ironing and boxes of xmas decorations awaiting their journey to the attic."
And finally, our newest member here at Strictly Writing, who tells us about his writerly space. In fact you have to watch this space (Groan...) for more on him on May 1st.
"I used to write at my 'working from home' desk, after hours, but now I have a dedicated space up in the attic. I hear birds scratching outside on the roof and, when the window is open, I pick up snippets of conversation from the neighbours below. Facing me, behind the screen, is an Egyptian poster by James Putnam. And, despite my best efforts, I still up end leaving piles of paperwork on the floor - my unique non-filing system. Sometimes, at night, I turn everything off and just gaze out at the stars. They gaze back, telling me wordlessly to get back to my writing."
I want Debs' desk. Looks really colourful and cosy...
Ha ha Caroline, and I was just wondering where our christmas tree fairy lights were! :) x
Tuh! I want Debs desk, too. And her hubbie ;)
Oh I love the inner slob! I now have the luxury of a dedicated writing room (well, it is a 'spare' room but not very often), and the lovely blue lights inspired me. I have a pink set somewhere and I shall get them out and rig them up. They are definitely inspirational.
Great post.
Ah, I just love that this made you look out your fairy lights, Fiona!
I love the fairy lights idea:)
Ha ha Susie, I'm sure we kcould sort out a time-share or something ;)
Or a body share? I'll take his carpenter's hands, please!
I think fairy lights make everywhere look better - they should be compulsory :o)
I do have a writing space, but tend to work better in busy cafes with a buzz of conversation around me and strictly No Internet!
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